Monday, May 2, 2011

the more I shop, the more I fall in love

Thrifty, frugal, penny-wise. Call it what you like but buying pre-loved is exciting, it's fun and I'm addicted. I've had the bug for awhile now but it only became obsessive compulsive about two years ago, when I was six months pregnant, with my first child.
I wanted my little precious bundle to have the best of everything. Just like what you see on the pages of glossy baby couture magazines.
I love wool, organic cotton, European timber toys, all the classic book titles that we grew up with, quirky handmade dolls from markets, vintage floral fabrics and so much more. The more I shop, the more I fall in love with treasures from days gone by.
I could not justify (or afford) going into high end boutique baby stores and spending exorbitant amounts of money decking out the nursery or buying clothes that would only get worn a few times. Instead I choose to go to op shops, eBay & markets to find what I need/want. 
It's been an amazing two years of shopping. I have found so many beautiful and wonderful things (and for not very much money at all).
I want to share some of my favourite finds with other mums (and would love to see some of yours!).
Pearl xx

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